Sofa King Podcast - Episode 432: Mark Zuckerberg: From Zucknet to Facebook on Stitcher

On this episode of the Sofa King Podcast, we look at one of the most influential (and richest) people on the planet, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg. People tend to hate his world-changing social media platform, but they just can’t quit him and repeatedly go back to check their likes and update their profiles. Zuckerberg is a man surrounded by controversy, from the way the site started (and his alleged theft of intellectual property of the Winklevoss twins) to the ideas of fake news and foreign interference in modern day elections. He’s been called to congress and called to task, but he remains the king of social media. Mark Zuckerberg was born in 1984 (the year of Big Brother, for those looking for irony) in New York state. His family was well off, with a dentist father and a psychiatrist mother. He was a prodigy with computers and programming at a very young age, and he even created a messaging program that connected his father’s dentist office to their household. It was called Zucknet. Years later,

25 Nov 2019 ... It was called Zucknet. Years later, he would become better at naming things. His father hired a computer programmer to tutor his son, but in ...

