Build failing with file not found (FBSDK) in IOS build

I have installed the relevant FBSDK frameworks and set the framework search path. I can build the app locally and archive it but the archive step fails on Bitrise. /Users/vagrant/git/node_modules/react-native-fbsdk/ios/RCTFBSDK/share/RCTFBSDKShareDialog.h:21:9: ‘FBSDKShareKit/FBSDKShareKit.h’ file not found #import < FBSDKShareKit/FBSDKShareKit.h> The framework search path is set to $(PROJECT_DIR)/** and I also have $(SRCROOT)/Frameworks The frameworks are in the repo (under ios/) but...

23 Jan 2017 ... I have installed the relevant FBSDK frameworks and set the framework search path. I can build the app locally and archive it but the archive ...

